OSHO - Sayings

“Be a light unto yourself”

I am telling you that all knowledge is stupid, that you need not cling to the Bible or to Vedas or to Koran.
You love me, you trust me – you may drop your clinging to the Koran,
to the Bible,
to the Gita,
But you can start clinging to my statements, you can start making a Bible out of my ideas, you are back in the same trap; you are back, from the back door. Again you are the same person. Now you don’t have the Bible but now
You have ME!


I would like my people to remember it,
Never advice unless it is your experience.
In the world, advice is the only thing
Which everybody gives and nobody take
So why bother?
Everybody enjoys giving advice and nobody
Ever takes it, and the reason is that
Everybody knows that advice is meant


I am not against the Vedas or the Bible.
I am against your being lost in those dead words.
Once they were alive, but now the people
Whose presence was needed to give them life,
To keep their flame burning,
Themselves have disappeared into the universal
Consciousness, just their footprints are left
On the sand of time.
You can call them holy foot prints
But that does not make any sense.
You can worship them,
You can have photograph of them
You can hang those photographs.
You can do all kinds of stupid things,
Which are being done in all the churches,
Mosques, temples and synagogues.
The man who knows has to say
Something against all that is going on.


I am going to be misunderstood by both the materialists and the spiritualists.
And the same is going to be the case with my sannyasins.
Many of you will think that sex is all;
And you can find quotes from my books easily supporting your stand point.
Anybody who chooses one part of my teaching is to bound to misunderstand


I am not interested at all in any kind of Jargon
You have to be very simple with me,
Because it is a question of inquiry.
You need an innocent, silent, inquiring mind,
Not full of belief, not full of philosophy, just clean.
Sannyasins are fellow travelers.
We don’t have a church
We don’t have a doctrine, a dogma.
We don’t have any beliefs;
We share only one thing with each other,
And that is Meditation.
All those who have gathered close to me
Are here just to learn meditation-
And meditation means silence, not chanting,
Not repeating a mantra.
That is not meditation,
That is just a simple process of auto-hypnosis.


Every race, every religion, every country
Thinks itself to be the greatest-
Not because any country is great,
Not because any race is great,
In this Existence everything is the greatest!
The Existence creates only the greatest;
Everybody is unique.


Wake up! I am not giving you another dream
You hanker for it,
You would like me to give you another dream
But I am not going to give you another dream.
That’s why to be with me is difficult and arduous-
Because I am insisting that you wake up,
Enough is enough.
You have dreamed a lot;
Since eternity you have been dreaming.
You have just been changing dreams.
When you get fed up with one dream,
You start changing it;
You dream another dream.
My whole effort is:
To shake you,
To shock you,
To wake you.


I am not an enemy to anybody in the world.
Although there are millions of people
Who regard me as their enemy.
That is their business.
I have nothing to do with it.


I have been constantly inconsistent
So that you will never be able to make a
Dogma out of me.
You will simply go nuts if you try.
I am leaving something really terrible for scholars.
They will not be able to make any sense out of it.
They will go nuts, and they deserve it;
They should go nuts.
Nobody can create an orthodoxy out of me;
It is impossible.


I am not a messiah and
I am not a prophet.
I am only a friend.
What commandments can I give you?
No, none.
I cannot tell you what to do, what not do
I can only explain to you that either
You can be yourself or
You can pretend to be somebody else.


My whole effort is to make a fresh beginning.
It is bound to create condemnation
Of me from all over the world.
But it doesn’t matter – who cares!
I care only for those who are ready
To change the very course of
Human consciousness!


Do whatsoever you like –
Everything fails, and when I say
Everything, I mean “everything”
But it takes millions of lives
For people to arrive at this point.


I will be alive to my very last breath.
I am not going to die before my death.
So there is every possibility that
What I am saying today
Tomorrow I may contradict.
Nobody can expect consistency from me.
You can expect growth,
But to grow you have to be moving into
New lands, into new discoveries,
Into new ideas;
And naturally the past cannot contain them.
You are continuously widening.
The past was very narrow.


If you really want to be religious, you
Will have to drop these identities
(I am an Indian, I am a Chinese) slowly, slowly.
No idea should ever possess you.
No book should be your Bible!
No Veda should define you.
No Gita should confine you.
You should not allow any Philosophy,
To overcrowd you.
You should not allow any smoke
Around your flame of consciousness.
Only then you are religious.


I am for love.
I have been teaching my whole life in favour of love.
The reason is strange but I am an eccentric man.
I have been teaching you to go for love
Because I know that unless you come
To this crucial point,
Where the other is hell,
You will never become religious.
I am not for love.
My whole effort is for religion.


If you carry a blueprint of Godliness
You will go on missing Godliness
Because you have not known it before.
Yes, others have known, but whatsoever
They have said are only maps.
I can give you only a map.
All knowledge is only a map.
Don’t start worshipping the map,
Don’t start creating a temple around the map.
That’s how temples have been created.
One temple is devoted to the Vedas,
Another to the Bible,
Another to the Koran – these are maps!
These are not the real country,
They are only charts.


A master is not one, who has achieved anything,
A master is one who has found out there is nothing to achieve.
This will be very very difficult for you,
Because you are all achievers.
Even if you are here with me,
You are here to achieve something,
Some spiritual nonsense.


Belief is the opium which all the religions
Have been giving you in good doses.
I am trying to destroy your addiction to the opium.
My whole effort is to leave you alone.
Yes, you will feel fear,
You will feel a certain trembling,
You will feel all is lost;
But this is just in the beginning.
A little patience – it is a passing phase.
Soon you will feel a tremendous energy arising in you,
Which would have never arisen in the crowd with its beliefs,
Because there was no need.
You were spoon-fed;
There was no need for you
To think about your food on your own.


The ego is the fundamental deception;
Don’t help it to grow in you,
Don’t nourish it.
And the greatest thing that nourishes it is
Experiences – particularly spiritual experiences.
You have seen Christ;
You have seen Buddha;
You have seen Kundalini rising in your spine, the serpent uncoiling.
You have seen great light,
You have seen a lotus flowering inside your head;
You have seen the heart chakra opening, and
All that crap – beautiful sounding words.
But only fools are deceived by them.


If fools disappear from the world,
All esotericism will disappear.
There will be great poetry,
But no esotericism in it.
There will be immense mystery,
But no esotericism in it.


Whenever you see two things that are contradictory and you want both,
You have just to find a link that transforms them from
Contradictions to complementaries.
And you will be surprised-
That there are no contradictions in existence;
There are only complementaries –
But they look to us like contradictions!


My request is:
A time has come in the history of the earth,
A time has come in the consciousness of man,
When a religion should be born that is
Not bhakti, not devotion, but science;
A religion that is not imagination but truth;
A religion that is not based on our hopes and desires;
Our imaginations and thoughts;
But on direct encounter and experience of our being.

(No title)
“There is no need to remember me,
The need is to remember yourself!”


There are things which you have to take some initiative to get.
In your very initiative is your capacity to get them.
The master can create the initiative in you,
Encourage you, but he cannot give it to you,
Because even if he gives it to you,
You will lose it;
You will forget it somewhere.


Love is illusion, so is meditation.
The only thing that is good about meditation
Is that it can take you out of love.
But don’t cling to it-
It is just a device to bring you out of your love.
It brings you out of the illusion of love.
But then immediately drop it too;
Otherwise you will start creating new illusions of meditation;
Kundalini arising,
Light happening in the chakras…
And a thousand and one things-
They are called spiritual experiences,
They are not spiritual or anything,
They are just imagination.


I am here not to make you understand me,
I am here to help you to understand yourself.
Watch your own actions,
Your relationships,
Your moods more closely:
How you are when you are alone,
How you are when you are with people,
How you behave,
How you react,
Whether your reactions are past – oriented, fixed patterns of thought;
Or you are spontaneous, responsible.
Watch all these things
Go on watching your mind, heart.
That’s what has to be understood.
That is the book to be opened.
You are the unopened book.


Nobody is going to be a successor to me.
The very idea of succeeding was an idea borrowed from the royal families.
Just as kings were succeeded by their eldest sons,
It reflected on the tradition of the masters also
That somebody would become their successor.
I want to make a complete break.
As far as I am concerned,
You are all intimate to me.
I can afford the intimacy of all of you
Because there is no question of any succeeding.
Nobody is going to be my successor.
I want everybody to be a master unto himself.


Zen is not a spiritual phenomenon at all,
Because it is moving beyond the spirit and beyond the self.
It is going into nothingness.
It is melting into the blue sky.


The master as a friend can help immensely.
But the master should not become an owner.
He should not possess the disciple as a slave;
He should not ask for any surrender.
The surrender has to be for the whole of
Existence, not for any individual.
Help is absolutely necessary.
But help is one thing,
And to become your saviour is totally different.


In the past I have spoken of people with great respect.
I have to confess to you that I had to drop many aspects of their lives,
Otherwise, you would not have been able to understand me at all.
Now I want to make the whole thing complete.
I want you to know them in their utter nudity –
Good, bad, right, wrong.
Many of my statements will look contradictory to my old statements.
Don’t be worried.
What I am saying now is the right thing and
Whatever I say tomorrow will be more right.
The last sentence that I will utter on my death bed will be ultimate right.
Before that you cannot decide.
I am alive and I am not in any bondage with past.

Enlightenment: A very ordinary human experience

The best of the intelligence will reach to heights unknown before.
And if even in a traditional world,
A man like Gautam Buddha or Chuang Tzu or Pythagoras is possible,
We can conceive that in the atmosphere
That the new mind will create,
A thousand fold more awakened people,
Enlightened people will become easily possible.
If the new mind can prevail,
Then life can become an enlightening process.
Enlightenment will not be something rare,
That it happens once in a while to somebody very special;
It will become a very ordinary human experience,
That only once in a while some really idiotic person misses.


I don’t give you any doctrine,
I don’t give you any philosophy.
To me all those philosophical dogmas and
Great systems of thought are simply bullshit,
But people are so interested in rotten things,
That they go on carrying all that load their whole life.
They are just big words,
Esoteric jargon.


The follower is stupid;
He follows out of his stupidity
Because he cannot depend on himself,
He starts depending on somebody else.
He is a psychological slave,
And psychological slavery is a deeper slavery
Than all other slaveries.
It is very subtle;
You cannot see it,
But you can feel it.


Jesus! I have never said
That my books of the past are not important!
But you may have heard that
What I had said is that to me,
Truth is not something unchanging.
Anything unchanging is dead.
Truth is alive, breathing, moving.
So, when I am saying something to you now,
Don’t be bothered about the past –
What I said twenty years before.
And I say to you,
If I am still here tomorrow,
The truth will have become more potent, deeper, higher.
My books of the past are not unimportant.


I am not a way.
A way leads you somewhere,
Connects you with the there.
My whole effort is to bring you here.
A way is there – oriented and
I am here – oriented.
A way is needed if the goal is far away from you.
If the goal is away, distant, then a way is needed.
As I see it the goal is within you;
You are the goal
You are the target
So there is nowhere to go;
A way is not needed.


The master has no personality.
He is not a person – he has dropped personality.
In fact, in the ultimate sense he is just a nothing,
What Buddha calls Shunyata; he is pure nothingness.
How can you communicate with nothingness?
Yes, communion is possible, but communication is not possible.
And communion needs no direct personal contact;
You can commune with the master from thousands of miles away.
The physical presence is not needed.
The physical presence is needed only for the beginners,
For the people who are in the kindergarten class.


If you look at my inconsistencies,
Not with a closed mind but with an open mind,
You will be surprised that they only appear inconsistent.
Deep down there is a hidden current running through all of them,
Joining them into one whole.
But for that, Great intelligence is needed,
And great patience is needed,
And great love is needed.

“My lamp will not be able to light your path
You must have a lamp of your own.”

“They say believe
I say explore!”


The most dangerous person is the one who
Exploits someone’s spiritual urge.
If someone robs you of your wealth it is not so serious.
If someone fails you it is not so serious.
But someone tricks you and kills, or even postpones your urge
Toward meditation, toward the divine, toward ecstasy,
Then the sin is great and unforgivable…
Do not seek a guru because gurus are crippling.
Anyone who gives you readymade formulas
Is not a friend but an enemy.


All kinds of nonsense continue in the name of religion.
The more nonsensical, the more impossible it looks,
The more it attracts neurotic people.
Simple truths don’t attract neurotic people.
What I am doing here is very simple, very ordinary,
Nothing special in it, nothing sacred.
I am not trying to make you holy persons,
I am simply trying to make you sane, intelligent,
Ordinary people who can live their lives Joyously,


I am not here to give you a dream,
Just the contrary –
I am here to destroy all your dreams.
Even if you meet me in your dream,
Just cut my head off immediately, then and there.
Don’t ask where to get the sword from.
If you can get me in your dream,
Get a sword from the same place.
If you can dream of me,
You can also dream of a sword.


My whole effort here is to keep you as non serious as possible,
For the simple reason that meditation,
All kinds of meditation can make you too serious
And that seriousness will create a
Spiritual disease and nothing else.
Unless a meditation brings you more laughter,
More joy, more playfulness avoid it.


Up to now, nobody has said that there is anything
Beyond enlightenment.
That’s why I say I am a milestone.
With me, a new chapter in the history of consciousness begins.
Enlightenment will now be the beginning, not the end;
The beginning of a non – ending process
In all dimensions of richness.


All experiences are just tricks of the mind.
All experiences are just escapes,
Meditation is not an experience,
It is a realization.
Meditation is not an experience;
Rather, it is a stopping of all experience.


I am in that state where nothing can happen anymore;
It is beyond happening.
So I will go on saying things which offend people.
It is not that I want to offend them, but what can I do?
If truth offends them, then it offends them.
I am going to live life the way it is happening to me.
It is not according to their expectations.
Either they can change their expectations
Or they can feel angry, miserable, and
Go on clinging to their expectations.
I am utterly free from their opinion;
It does not matter to me at all.


I cannot liberate you, nobody can liberate you;
Only truth can liberate you.
And the truth has to be seen by you.
I may be seeing it; I may be telling it you
In a thousand and one ways,
I may be showering it upon you,
But that is useless
If you are not open,
If your pot is upside down,
If you are not listening.


Whatever I have been giving you will remain uncontaminated,
But it will be enriched more and more by the future evolution of man,
Because it is an open phenomenon.
I am not the last prophet, messiah
Or saviour of a certain tradition.
I am the beginning, not the end,
Of a totally new approach to life and its problems,
Inviting everything conceivable, unconceivable to be my guest.


This should be the attitude towards helpers,
If somebody is coming to help you,
Escape – your life is in danger!
Avoid do – gooders, so called saints and mahatmas.
I am not here to console you,
To comfort you, to make you secure.
I am here to destroy you utterly,
Because only then is the new born
- the new man
the new consciousness
If I help, the old will continue.
All help goes to help the old.
All help keeps the old surviving;
It nourishes it.
No, I am not going to help in any way.


Only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love,
Of sharing of going into the deepest core,
Into the other person without possessing the other,
Without becoming dependant on the other,
Without creating the other,
Reducing the other into a thing and
Without becoming addicted to the other.
They allow the other absolute freedom
Because they know if the other leaves,
They will be as happy as they are now.
Their happiness cannot be taken by the other,
Because it is not given by the other.


Let this remembrance follow you like a shadow around the day.
Slowly it will become your very breathing, your heartbeat.
Buddha is not to be worshipped,
One has to become a Buddha.
Except for that, there is no worship, no prayer.
You don’t need to be in any religious organization,
You have to be just yourself – silently,
Peacefully settling within your home.


Your priests, your evangelists and your great spiritual leaders
Are all neurotic and they are driving the whole of humanity neurotic.
Avoid all spiritual nonsense – and
Spiritual nonsense is real nonsense:
All other nonsense is very ordinary, very mundane.
In fact, with mundane matters you cannot be too nonsensical –
Reality will prevent you – but with religious nonsense there are no checks.
There is no reality, no criterion, you cannot judge,
So you can fly off into all kinds of esoteric bullshit.
Your priests are such bullshitters;
For centuries they have been bullshitting on you!
You are crawling in holy cow dung!
It is time to get out of it.


Between the master and the disciple the relationship is one way.
The master has no relationship with you.
Listen well:
Don’t be shocked.
The master has no relationship with you.
It is only you who need a relationship.
It is just in your mind that the master exists.
Otherwise there is nobody there.

(No title)
“I cannot liberate you,
Liberation has to happen Through you,
In you,
By you.”


The experience of ultimate blissfulness, ecstasy or orgasm
Has nothing to do with the other.
It happens within you; the other is only an excuse.
It can be the master, it can be anybody else.
If you are intelligent, you start looking inside yourself
For why these spaces are happening,
You will start on your own, alone,
So that you can have those experiences without me.
If you are unintelligent, then you will start clinging to me –
And that’s how so many people in the world are being exploited.


Out of all the so – called spiritual teachers, masters, prophets
And saviors, ninety – nine percent are simply frauds.
But you are responsible.
You have made them frauds.
I don’t want anybody to cling to me,
To be attached to me in any way.
My whole effort is to give you total freedom and methods,
So that whatever you want, you can create within yourself.
Not even God is needed. Nothing is needed.
You are enough unto yourself!


Confusion is my technique to bring clarity.
When you are feeling confused it is because
You must have come with certain prejudices
And I am shattering them –
Hence the confusion. Hence you are feeling chaos.
You had come here to be made more certain about your prejudices;
I am not here to help your traditions, your conditionings.
My work consists in demolishing you completely,
Because only when you are utterly demolished, the new is born.
When the old ceases to exist,
The new appears – and that new has clarity.


Belief is the opium which all religions have been giving you in good doses.
I am trying to destroy your addiction to the opium.
My whole effort is to leave you alone.


Always remember,
Don’t get dependant on things, situations, conditions.
Then you can move. Don’t avoid movement,
Otherwise you will get fixed.
Everybody is afraid of movement…
Because you are dependant;
You cannot come out of your hills,
Your solitariness, to the world of the market,
Because you know you will be disturbed.
What type of silence is this,
Which can be disturbed by the market?
What value does it carry?
Of what worth is it?
If the market can destroy it, if the world,
The humdrum world can destroy it,
Then your silence is very impotent.
If your silence is really potent,
If you have attained it,
Nothing can destroy it.


No authentic master wants his disciples to turn towards him, because
That is taking them away from their own selves.
Only the false master, the pseudo master tries to get people
To look up to him,
To surrender to him,
To be dedicated to him,
To be devoted to him.
His whole concern is that the disciples’ consciousness
Should be arrowed towards him.
This is the only way of finding out whether the master is authentic or pseudo.
The authentic master tries in every possible way to turn you inwards.
Everything outside is objective:
It will never give you an insight into your subjective reality;
It will never allow you to know your interiority,
Which is your temple, where is hiding your Buddha,
Where you will reach to the highest point of consciousness!


The distinction between a disciple and a friend has two sides to it.
From the side of the master,
I don’t have any disciples anymore. You can relax.
From the disciples’ side, it is going differently for different people.
A few are relaxed – the transformation has taken place.
A few are getting to be relaxed; a few are thinking to relax.
A few are unwillingly accepting the idea because to be a disciple was better;
The master was responsible. Now the whole responsibility is thrown on you – and nobody wants to be responsible.
Everybody wants to get rid of responsibility.
There are a few who have not even heard it.
They have listened to me, but it has not reached to their hearts.
They still remain disciples.
So it will be different with different people, but sooner or later
It has to be with every disciple, as far I am concerned.
He will have to come to drop the idea of disciple hood,
And just be a friend.


All the meditation techniques that I have given to you are not
Dependant on me – my presence or absence will not make any
Difference – they are dependant on you.
It is not my presence, but your presence is needed for them to work.
It is not my being here but your being here,
Your being in the present, you’re being alert and aware,
That is going to help.
None of them has come to save you.
In fact, nobody can save anybody else; it goes against the
Foundational truth of freedom and individuality.
As far as I am concerned, I am simply making every effort
To make you free from everybody – including me –
And to just to be alone on the path of searching.


Love is illusion, so is meditation.
The only thing that is good about meditation is that it can take you
Out of love. But don’t cling to it – it is just a device to bring you out of
Your love. It brings you out of the illusion of love.
But then immediately drop it too. Otherwise,
You will start creating new illusions of meditation.
Kundalini arising, light happening in the chakras
And a thousand and one things…
Spiritual experiences they are called.
They are not spiritual or anything,
They are just imagination.


I want you to drop all games – worldly games.
Spiritual games, games that the whole of humanity has played up to now.
These games keep you retarded.
These games hinder you from growing into consciousness,
Into your own ultimate flowering.
I want to cut away all this rubbish that prevents you.
I want to leave you alone, absolutely alone,
So that you cannot take anybody’s help, so you cannot cling to any prophet, So you cannot think that Gautam Buddha is going to save you.
Left alone – utterly alone –
You are bound to find your innermost center.


Whatever I am saying is phrased in a totally spontaneous way
But it contains the ancient most truths ever
Uttered by any human being on the earth.
So those who can understand can see that what I am saying
Has always been said by the Mystics.
And yet, everyday I am saying something
In such a way as it has never been said before.
So there is a newness and freshness –
And there is a deep, long ancientness in it.


The Buddha is the most dangerous person in the world.
That is why the world either kills the Buddhas or worships them.
These are synonymous:
Killing is a way of getting rid of them;
Worshipping is also a way of getting rid of them.


I am going to live the way I want to live.
I am going to live in my own spontaneity and authenticity.
I am not here to fulfill anybody’s expectations.
I am not interested in being called a spiritual person or a saint.
I don’t need any compliments from anybody.
I don’t want the crowd to worship me.
All those stupid games are finished.


Unless a Buddha becomes absolutely ordinary it is still an ego trip.
To be as ordinary as the trees, as the birds, as the animals,
As the mountains – no bragging about any spirituality, because
Even the bragging about spirituality is nothing but a very subtle ego trip.
Mind’s ways are very cunning.
It will become the richest man,
It will become the most powerful man,
It will become the most of anything,
But it has to be on the top.
It will be difficult for you, if you find a Buddha in a pub,
But that is the right place.
He has come home,
He has accepted his natural spontaneity.

(No title)
“Just listening to my discourses is very stupid,
If you are not going to act”


The whole universe is in a continuous flux.
I am not giving you dead rocks,
I am offering you living flowers.
What it will be like tomorrow neither I nor anyone else can say.
Only tomorrow will bring the revelation.


I have never been spiritual in the sense that you understand the word.
I have never gone to the temples or the churches or read scriptures
Or followed certain practices to find truth or worshipped God
Or prayed to God. That has not been my way at all.
So certainly you can say that I was not doing anything spiritual.
To me spirituality has a totally different connotation.
It needs an honest individuality.
It does not allow any kind of dependence.
It creates a freedom for itself, whatever the cost.
It is never in the crowd but alone,
Because the crowd has never found any truth.
The truth has been found only in people’s aloneness.
Spiritual to me,
Simply means “finding oneself”


Ninety – nine percent of the people on the earth have been poor.
And these people, Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed,
Have no idea how to destroy this poverty.
Only science is capable of destroying it,
And only a scientific mind can manage to make the earth rich,
And can make it a blessing.
But the unscientific religious mind goes on interfering.


I would have loved not to be associated in any way with the word Religion.
The whole history of religion simply stinks.
It is ugly and it shows the degradation of man,
His inhumanity and all that is evil.
And this is not about any one single religion, it is the same story
Repeated by all the religions of the world;
Man exploiting man in the name of God.


Spiritual growth is the growth of witnessing.
Spiritual growth has nothing to do with particular experiences.
Spiritual growth is not a search for novel experiences.
Spirituality has nothing to do with experiences as such.
In fact, to say any experience is a spiritual experience is utterly wrong,
Because all experiences are non – spiritual.


There are no hidden meanings.
You become enlightened when you have found out that there are no meanings in life.
In fact when you have found that there is nothing to be achieved,
You have become enlightened.
When you have come to realize that there is nowhere to go,
You have arrived.
And I am here to by and by seduce you, to become a non – achiever,
Because then you are enlightened.


My way has been described as that of the heart, but it is not true.
The heart will give you all kinds of imaginings, hallucinations, illusions,
Sweet dreams – but it cannot give you the truth.
The truth is behind both:
It is in your consciousness, which is neither head nor heart.
Just because consciousness is separate from both,
It can use both in harmony.
The head is dangerous in certain fields because
It has eyes but it has no legs, it is crippled.
The heart can function in certain dimensions.
It has no eyes but it has legs; it is blind
But it can move with great speed not knowing where it is going.
Consciousness can manage very easily,
Because the heart and the head both belong to it.


I would simply like to be forgiven and forgotten.
There is no need to remember me.
The need is to remember yourself!
People have remembered Gautam Buddha and
Jesus Christ and Confucius and Krishna.
That does not help.
So what I would like:
Forget me completely and forgive me too –
Because it will be difficult to forget me.
That’s why I am asking you to forgive me for giving you the trouble.
Remember yourself.
And don’t be bothered about historians and all kinds of
Neurotic people – they will do their thing.
It is none of our concern at all.


I am a natural person.
I have no charisma – and I don’t believe in charisma.
I don’t believe in methods.
Even if I use them, I don’t believe in them.
I am a natural person, very ordinary.
I can be lost in a crowd and
You will not be able to find me.
So I don’t lead you.
I can hold your hand,
I can be your friend.


Live here now!
Living in hope is living in the future,
Which is really postponing life.
It is not a way of living, but a way of suicide.
There is no need for any hope,
And there is no need to feel hopeless.
Live here now!
I am not for hope; I am not for hopelessness.
I am against all extremism.


You yourself don’t know yourself,
And you expect me to know you?
Don’t I have anything else to do?
Why should I know you?
And how is it going to help you?
The only thing that can help is:
You have to know yourself.


I am not a guru. That is a dirty word.
Because all gurus have been just exploiting people
In the name of spirituality.
I don’t belong to that gang.
And I am not an Indian in the sense
That I don’t believe in nationalities.
I simply believe that the whole earth is one.


If you understand, insecurity is an intrinsic part of life.
And good that it is so because it makes life a freedom,
It makes life a continuous surprise.
One never knows what is going to happen.
It keeps you continuously in wonder.
Don’t call it uncertainty – call it wonder.
Don’t call it insecurity – call it freedom.


Things were said by me when I was surrounded
By a certain group of fools.
They were not interested in anything else.
And I have to respond to you.
As you grow, my responses will be higher and higher.
The day you have understood the whole stupidity of the
Human mind, I will not need to talk to you;
Just sitting silently will be more than enough.

(No title)
“My statements are contradictory
And I am a very absurd man.
I am not trying to hide it.
This is how things are.”


I am teaching you everyday:
There is nothing higher, nothing lower,
It is simply man’s ego creating –
If not money, if not politics, then meditation.
The ego can exploit any situation,
But it will play the same game.
One is higher in meditation,
The other is lower in meditation.
One is an older sannyasin, senior
As if it is a government bureaucracy –
And the other one is a newer fellow.
You can tolerate him,
But he is not being considered much, not to be taken seriously.
It is the same ego, you just have to watch.


You are responsible for whatsoever you are,
If you are miserable, you are responsible,
Don’t throw the responsibility on anybody else,
Otherwise you will never be free of it.
Because how can you be free if I am responsible for your misery?
Then unless I free you, you cannot be free;
It is in my hands.
And if it is in my hands, it can be in somebody else’s hands.
Those who are with me have to understand
Howsoever hard and painful it is,
You and you alone are responsible
For everything that is happening to you,
Has happened to you, will happen to you.
Once you accept all responsibility in its totality,
You become mature. You stop throwing tantrums
And you stop seeking messiahs.
Then there is no need for any Jesus to save you
Nor can any Jesus save you –
He was exploiting your situation.


It is good that you feel you are lost,
Because it opens a new dimension for search.
It is good that you feel you are alone abandoned,
Because that means you have to go inwards and
Be acquainted with your own interiority.
You cannot see your father figure in me,
I don’t want anybody to see a father figure, a leader, a prophet,
A messiah in me, because these are the people who have been
Keeping you enslaved for centuries.
So I am not your father figure,
I am not your leader,
I am not a prophet.
And I do not know you at all.


Spirituality has nothing to do with experiences.
That’s why drugs can never be spiritual.
If you understood the point then no technique is spiritual,
Because all techniques will give you experiences.
My whole effort here is to take you beyond –
Beyond the experience –
Because only then are you beyond the mind and there is silence.
When there is no experience there is silence.
When there is no bliss, then there is bliss
Because bliss is not an experience –
You don’t feel that you are blissful.
If you feel, it is just happiness.
It will go, will wither away,
And you will be left in pitch darkness.


Here I teach people that nobody can take care of you.
I am not your savior.
I am not going to help you in anyway to enter into the
Kingdom of God but I can explain to you how we can live here in the
Kingdom of Beauty,
To me God is a dead word.
It is a dirty word, a four letter word.


Never look at another human being as if he or she is only sexuality.
Look at human beings as really they are.
Sexuality is part of them, but they are not just sexuality.
A very small part, a beautiful part in itself.
Nothing wrong about it. But if that part becomes the whole,
Then everything goes ugly.
Whenever any part claims to be the whole, then things go ugly.
When a person looks at you with sexuality and passion in his eyes,
He is looking at your genital organs not at you.
He is insulting you; he is reducing you to genital organs.
He is simply saying you are just an appendage.
He is saying I am interested in your sexuality, in your genital organs.
I am not interested in you. You are just a situation, nothing more
But my interest is in your sexuality – in you as a man, in you as a woman.
That is Offensive,


Jesus says, “I am the way,
I am the truth,
I am the door.”
Christians go on interpreting it as if Jesus is the way;
That is not true.
That is falsifying Jesus utterly.
When Jesus says, “I am the way”
He is saying, “Whoever can say ‘I am’ there is the way!”
He is not talking about Jesus the son of Joseph and Mary;
He is talking about this ‘I – am ness’.


Just knowing the words is not enough and the more words you know
The more confused you are going to become
Because you don’t know your words are just on the surface.
If somebody scratches a little bit more your ignorance is bound to show.
People go on pretending.


I will speak but I will be understood only by very few people.
The majority will not understand, maybe 99% of the people
Will not understand at all.
So 99% of my effort is going to be sheer wastage:
Of the one percent who will be able to understand me,
Me insight says that even without me, sooner or later
They will find their own way, their intelligence is such…
Their courage is such… their search is such…
They are passionate lovers of truth.
That’s why they will be able to understand me!


My whole effort here is to make sannyas as non serious as possible.
I don’t want to become a pope or a shankaracharya.
I don’t want to become a replacement for you, a substitute for you.
I don’t want to become a father figure to you.
I want simply to be a friend.
Hence my discourses are not ordinarily religious sermons.
I am just chitchatting.
They are not gospels but gossips!


I am not a master because of knowledge, but in spite of it!
I was a professor in the university.
I had to struggle a great deal to get out of my knowledge,
Still something of it goes on lingering around me – forgive me for that!
But it has nothing to do with being a master.
Jesus had no knowledge, he was more fortunate.
He was not a professor in a university; he was just a poor carpenter’s son.
Mohammed was fortunate; he was absolutely illiterate.
I was unfortunate; I have suffered a lot from knowledge.
My whole problem was how to get rid of it.
That’s why I am so much concerned about you and
I continuously insist on being aware of knowledge.
Don’t become knowledgeable.
I am saying it because of my own experience!


When I say anything I am not concerned
Whether I am being true to Buddha or not.
My concern is whether I am being true to myself or not.
If I am true to myself I know that it must be true to Buddha;
It can’t be otherwise.
So don’t take much care whether I am literally true to Buddha,
To Jesus or not.
I take every freedom.


I have to say things sometimes I have say them in such an exaggerated
Way that is not true to the fact because, only if I exaggerate it
Will it come to the surface, otherwise not.
So I am not much concerned about facts
I am much concerned about transforming you.
Even if I feel sometimes that a lie is going to help I can be a liar.
I don’t worry about it but it did its work.


What I am saying is very simple, utterly simple.
My statements are absolutely ordinary.
I am not a holy man.
I am not a saint.
I am far more ordinary than you are!
I have nothing special about me
I don’t exist at all;
How can I be special?
So my statements are very simple
A child can understand them!

(No title)
“I am going to be misunderstood by the crowd,
The mass is going to me,
But I don’t expect that they should understand.
It takes times.
It takes centuries.”


My function here is that of a surgeon.
I am not much interested in what instruments are being used.
Surgery has to be done.
Something has to be pulled out of you.
Your soil has to be completely cleared of all stones, of all weeds.
Only then will your nature start growing roses.


You will be puzzled.
Many times you will find my statements contradictory.
They are, and I don’t want to hide the fact.
They are contradictory, they are absurd!
Because I will say one thing one moment and
I will contradict it the next moment.
And I am not at all consistent – or I am only consistent in one thing:
About my inconsistencies that is my only consistency.
I am consistently inconsistent. That’s all.
I am always contradictory for the simple reason
That you have come here from different backgrounds
And I am trying to destroy all backgrounds, all conditionings.
So it depends on you.


What do you know about the Gita?
All that you know about the Gita is your idea of the Gita.
You can’t understand Krishna.
To understand Krishna, you have to be a Krishna.
To understand Buddha, you have to be a Buddha.
There is no other way.
And when you are a Buddha, why should you bother to understand Buddha?
When you are a Krishna, what is the need to understand Krishna?
You yourself know!


I was not worried to succeed in the world.
To prove that I am somebody
I was not interested in becoming part of history.
I was not interested in leaving my mark because that is foolish –
Even if you get some place in history, what use is it?


I have also lived the way I wanted to live.
I have never allowed anybody to distract me.
Right or wrong, good or bad, foolish or wise,
I have lived the way I wanted to live.
I have no regrets – there cannot be any regret.
This is the way I wanted to live,
This is the way I have lived.
And life has allowed me to live the way I wanted to live.
I am thankful!
I am grateful!


You were shocked because you had certain expectations of me.
It is strange!
I don’t expect anything from you and you go on expecting,
Expecting how I should be, what I should do, what I should not;
I am giving you total freedom and
You want me to be a prisoner of your expectations?
Who are you to expect anything from me?
We have no contract, no bargain.
You are here out of your own freedom.
I am here out of my own freedom.
Freedom is the only bridge between us.
I don’t expect anything from you, still what stupidity
You expect anything from me?
All these people were fulfilling the desires of their followers.
I don’t care a bit what you expect; that is your problem.
I am going to shatter all your expectations of me.
I am totally a free man.
I don’t care even about whether you think me enlightened or not.
Why should I care?


Listen to me, become more and more silent and alert.
Forget all about agreeing and disagreeing.
I am not interested in converting you, I am not a missionary.
I am not interested in creating a following, not at all!
I am certainly interested in sharing my joy with you,
Certainly interested in sharing my truth with you!


I am not a thinker, I am not a philosopher.
I am not a man of words.
Although I have used words more than anybody else in the history of man,
Still I am not a man of words.
My words are only indicators towards silence.
I speak so that you can learn how not to speak.
I say things to you so that you can be able to be silent.
It is a very contradictory job but I have enjoyed it!
I have loved it and I have found people
Who have understood the basic contradiction…
They have thrown away words and taken the content deep inside
Themselves, the words are only containers,
The content is silence.


I don’t need any followers because whatsoever I know, I know
And whatsoever I am, I am.
Even if the whole world is against me,
It will not create a single doubt in me, not a single question in me.
They have all disappeared.
I am absolutely at ease with myself and existence.


I am not a messiah. I don’t give you any hope.
And I would like for you to remember emphatically
That nobody else can redeem you – the whole idea is wrong.
You have created your bondage.
How can I make you free?
You throw your bondage and be free.
You love your chains and you want me to redeem you.
You are the cause of your miseries, sufferings and miseries,
And you will go on sowing the same seeds,
Continuing being the same old person, watering the same causes.
Who can redeem you?
And why should anybody redeem you?
It is not my responsibility to redeem you.
I have not made you what you are;
You have made yourself what you are.


I cannot do miracles; miracles have never happened.
Nature never changes its rules.
It is indifferent to you.
Whether you are Jesus, Moses, Krishna, Buddha
Who you are, it does not matter;
Nature is impartial, fair.
It simply follows its own law.
That law I call Dhamma, Tao, Lagos.
And a true religious man falls is
Harmony with law of nature.


I am not against anybody.
But my basic work is to expose before you all the diseases, the bondages.
So that you are not caught with them, so you can remain free.
So you can have a merger with existence without any barrier.
And ego is the only barrier.
It can come in so many ways that unless you are really alert
It will deceive you.
It can come so subtle almost like a shadow that it will follow you,
And you will not be aware of it.


I am an ordinary man just like you, no difference at all.
I am cutting the very root of your believing in me;
Hence my insistence on being ordinary.
I don’t want you to cling to me in any way.
I am not your enemy.
I don’t want you to remain crippled, blind, dependant, a slave because of me.
I don’t want to take that responsibility,
So from my side I am completely clear. I don’t give you any support.
And from your side I am continually hammering you,
Sometimes even hurting you because
Whatever you think is meaningful may not be so and I have to destroy it
Before I can make you completely clean.
I have to remove many, many rocks that are in the way of my reaching
You and are not allowing you to reach me!


I would like to say to you: obedience is the greatest sin.
Listen to your intelligence and if anything feels right do it –
But(because) you are not obeying. You are going with your intelligence.
If your intelligence finds something wrong then whatsoever the risk
And whatsoever the consequences go against the order.
No order is higher than your intelligence!

(No title)
“I am simply making every effort to make you free from everybody,
Including me, and to just be alone on the path of searching!”


The first thing to remember: there are no holy books.
There are only books well written or not well written.
I want to say there are no holy books – including mine!
All books are human. Yes.
There are well written books and there are not so well written books.
But there are no categories of holy and unholy.
All books are human but each religion has been deceiving people
That their book is the only holy book.
And by saying “this is the only holy book”
They are saying “that it is written by God”
And they all give strange arguments
Which are absolutely illogical without any evidence!


I am not a world teacher.
I am not a teacher at all because I don’t teach you anything.
Teaching means conditioning you.
Teaching means giving you a certain doctrine.
Teaching means words,
I am not giving you anything.
Whatever I am doing is trying to destroy everything
That you may have gathered from somewhere.


I am going to cover slowly everything that is essential for the
Explosion of religious consciousness.
I am going destroy everything that is non essential
And a hindrance to religious consciousness.
I am taking the greatest risk anyone has ever taken.
I am creating so many enemies as anyone has ever created, for the simple
Reason that I know what I am saying is not a quotation from a scripture.
I am saying it on my own authority.
It is my own truth and truth knows no defeat.
The final victory is always going to be of the truth.


Celibacy is the real perversion but not a single man in the whole world
Has condemned celibacy, because nobody wants all the religions
To be against him.
But I am at ease because already the whole world is against me –
What more can it do?
I say it definitively:
Celibacy should be made one of the most heinous crimes.
The religions which teach it should be banned.


I am going to be misunderstood by the so – called spiritualists and
By the so – called materialists but I understand:
That it is going to be my fate.
I can be only be understood by a new kind of Being,
Who has seen this totality. That man is both body and soul
And that life matures only through experiences.
The radical change comes through understanding and
Understanding comes through experience.
So I give you total freedom to experience
All that your mind, your body wants experience, with just one condition:
Be alert,
Be watchful,
Be conscious!


The so – called Indian gurus who go to America,
They never succeed in changing anybody but
America succeeds in changing them.
They all become businessman,
They all start learning American ways,
They never change anybody, they cannot.
If they were able to change anybody they would have come to them.
There was no need for them to go anywhere:
When somebody is thirsty he starts searching for water.
The well need not go to the thirsty.
The well never goes – the thirsty comes to the well.
And if you see a well on wheels, beware!


I am not here to give you a dream
Just the contrary
I am here to destroy all your dreams.
Even if you meet me in your dream just cut my head off
Immediately then and there.
Don’t ask where to get the sword from.
If you can get me in your dream get a sword from the same place.
If you can dream of me,
You can also dream of a sword!


A saintly man would never say fuck or shit.
That is true but
I am not a saint!
I don’t want to be categorized as a saint.
I don’t want to stand with those long faces, with those stuffed tomatoes.
With all kinds of rubbish.
And they have only one idea in their heads
“Holier – Than – Thou”
That’s why they cannot use these words –
Otherwise those words are there.
They cannot use them, but the words are there.


Tradition kills everything.
It makes the dead more significant than the living.
It is such an absurd effort to force living human beings to worship the dead,
Rather than finding the deeper layers of life within themselves.
Giving them teddy bears outside…
Consolations – ugly consolations,
Degrading consolations….


You are not clingers to me; you are not enslaved by me.
My effort here is to help you to be, to be totally free.
I am included in that freedom.
You have to be free of all, and I am included in that all.
And if you are still with me it is not because you are grateful
For such a freedom.
Who will not love a relationship which is basically rooted in freedom?
Relationship becomes ugly when it is not allowing you to be free,
When it encages you, when it cuts your wings,
When it chains your soul, when it does not allow you to be yourself.
I am not imposing any rule on you,
I am not forcing any discipline on you,
My only message is of love, freedom and awareness!


People are bound to misunderstand me.
In India, I am one of the most misunderstood men,
They think I am teaching people indulgence.
I am teaching renunciation.
They think I am teaching a worldly kind of sannyas, they don’t understand.
I am teaching real sannyas.
Because real sannyas arises only out of worldly experience.
Real sannyas is not possible in a cave, in the Himalayas.
It will be unreal, imposed and deep down you will remain worldly
And you will continue to hanker and dream of the world.
Live in the world, really live in it so you get tired, wearied, finished with it –
So much so that one day suddenly it loses all meaning for you
And the renunciation has happened.
To me,
“The real renunciation happens in the market place
And only in the market place.”


Please remember – perfectly well that I don’t expect any faith
From you or any belief from you in me.
If you are here to believe in me for some strong reasons that you call
“Faith”, “Conviction” then you are here for strong reasons.
Be here to experiment, to experience.
I am not a philosopher.
I am not teaching you a certain philosophy.
I am not imparting any knowledge or any information to you.
I am available for a totally different kind of work.
You can call it transformation but not information.


Why in India I am being condemned and opposed?
Because their idea of a spiritual man is one who tries to improve people.
I don’t try to improve anybody.
Who am I to improve you?
I can shower my love on you and
If that love is accepted you will start growing; that love will nourish you.
But you reject it!
The most difficult thing in life is to accept love.


A master is not an uncle.
A master is not nice.
A master is an earthquake.
Only those who are ready risk all in toto,
Who are ready to die as ego’s, can be born.
This is what Jesus means when he says,
“You will have to carry your cross on your own shoulders” –
If you want to follow me.
“You will have to carry your cross on your own shoulders”.

(No title)
“I am not teaching you anything at all.
I am simply preparing you to listen to my silence”.


All the meditation techniques that I have given to you
Is not dependant on me.
My presence or absence will not make any difference –
They are dependant on you.
It is not my presence but your presence that is needed for them to work.
It is not my being here but your being here.
Being in the present.
You being alert and aware that is going to help.


In this very moment you are all Buddhas.
But what to do? You go on forgetting.
But I am also very adamant. I will go on reminding you.
You can escape but I will follow.
I will come into your dreams,
I will haunt you wherever you are because
Once I have taken you into the field of my love you can be anywhere;
My work on you continues and
My work is to cut out of your block of marble Gautam Buddha.


The scholar reads Gautam Buddha, repeats the words correctly,
But the seeker finds the source from which this understanding of Gautam Buddha has arisen.
He does not practice it.
Anything practiced is false, pseudo and
You have been told by all your religions to do this, not to do that;
You are all carrying ten thousand commandments.
But because they have not arisen from your own being,
They are just a burden.
They don’t make you free.
They make you Hindus,
They make you Mohammedans,
They make you Buddhists,
They make you Christians
But they don’t make you divine beings.
They don’t give you your Godhood.
They don’t give you your own Buddha nature!


My insistence for my sannyasins:
Not to renounce the world, be in it.
Take its challenge.
Accept its dangers.
It hurts wounds
Go through it,
Don’t avoid it.
Don’t try to find a short cut because there is none.
It is a struggle
It is arduous
It is an uphill task,
But that is how one reaches the peak.


I am having immense joy in waking you up.
To my last breath.
I am going to continue harassing you.
What do you think all these discourses are?
Just sheer harassment!


I will fight for freedom.
For the expression of freedom, for individuality, for you and
For all those who want to live a sane life.
Whatever form that struggle takes and wherever I have to go
For that struggle I will continue the struggle!


When I will be gone I will leave you in such a mess
Nobody will ever be able to reduce what I was saying really.
Nobody will be able to reduce it into a dogma.
You cannot pinpoint me.
You cannot fix me, I am not a thing.
I am a river, a cloud which is constantly changing its form.
My idea of consistency is rooted in this continual change,
This dynamic dance called life.
I am not burdened by my yesterday,
It has already been changed by today.
I live in the present because there is no other way to live.
All other ways are ways of death.
So please don’t ask about consistency.
You have to learn,
You have to understand my inconsistency,
You have to understand my contradictions.


I am all for life.
If it is needed for your laughter, your dance even to reject me –
Then reject me – but
Don’t reject the dance and the song and the life,
Because that is my teaching!


The disciple has to learn how to drop questions.
I allow you ask questions so that they can be dropped.
Remember: “I am not answering your questions,
That is not my business”.
Although from the outside it appears that I am answering your question,
I am not answering your question.
I am trying somehow to take the question away from you.
I am not giving you the answer, because it cannot be given to you –
Only the question can be taken away.
And one day, when all questions are taken away from you,
The answer will be found,
In the oneness of the disciple and the master.


I hate missionaries.
I don’t want anybody to be a missionary.
A missionary is one who is spreading some message
But he has not worked upon himself.
What he is saying to others is not his own experience.
My sannyasins first have to become what they want to say to others.
Their very becoming will be their message.
Their very life will be their mission.
They will not be missionaries.


This is my only crime.
I am condemned all over the world for simply one reason,
That I am making people live totally and intensely,
Not bothering about their commandments,
Not bothering about their holy scriptures,
Not bothering about their Gods and their Devils,
Their Heaven and their Hell.


Always remember,
Just sincerity is not going to help.
You can be very honest,
Very sincere,
Very arduous…
But if you are on a wrong path
All your sincerity will lead you not to the goal you wanted to reach
But exactly to its opposite.


I am not here to satisfy any idiot’s mind or his expectations.
Neither do I expect anything from anybody
Nor am I going to fulfill anybody’s expectation.
Whatever I am saying, I am doing, my preaching
And my practices are not different
Such beautiful silence…
This is what I preach
And this is what I practice.


To be with me is risky.
It is dangerous – dangerous to your mind.
To be with me finally means you will have to lose your mind!
Of course it will not be a loss because you will be attaining
Something greater
Something vaster
Something unbounded
You will be attaining a state of no – mind!

(No title)
“Worshipping me is not going to help you.
What is going to help you is meditation,
Is your own search for truth!”


You have to be reminded continuously that even love is not just simply a bed of roses.
And the more you love me the more I am going to be hard with you.
The more you understand me the more I can operate on you.
You should remember that all my sannyasins are just on the operating table
Twenty fours hours a day.
If you have stiff neck good
It will be operated on.


This is one of the ancient most diseases of the mind.
Once you start taking me for granted, then you are bound to
Behave unconsciously.
Never take me granted.
I am simply alive just for you.
My work is finished and my boat has been waiting for long to take me to other shore,
But your love and the fear that without me, you may be lost……
And you are coming so close that if I can manage to wait a little longer
On this shore, I can give all of my people
What I have received from Existence.
But the moment you take me for granted immediately you forget,
Become unconscious create distance.


You have to take my heart with you.
You are not to be a missionary.
You have to be a message.
We don’t convert anybody.
We simply want everybody to be himself and
We want to destroy all life – negative attitudes imposed on man.
So all chains fall down – and the dance will come on its own.
I preach life,
I preach love,
I preach music,
I preach silence.
To me these are the constituencies of an authentic religiousness.
All else is simply bullshit.
Holy bullshit!


I am not interested in how many people are meditating.
It is not my responsibility.
I am fulfilled and absolutely content.
It has been a tremendously rich life of experiences
But now I am absolutely finished with taking anybody’s responsibility,
Destroying anybody’s freedom.
You are here on your own accord.
Whatever happens to you, you are responsible;
It is happening out of your freedom
I respect your freedom so much that I cannot take the responsibility.
One has to be very alert and very intelligent
If he wants to remain with me.
I am not here for retarded idiots.


I am not here to teach you all these stupid things
That has happened in the past.
People have died for Christ, people have for Mohammed,
People have died for Buddha, but that does not show their love.
It simply shows their unconsciousness.
The unconsciousness was destroying their love,
Now it has destroyed even themselves!
Here you have to learn a totally new alphabet,
The alphabet of rejoicing.
If you love me rejoice.
In spite of everything rejoice.
The more blissful you are, the more you are laughing,
The more you are dancing, the more I know you have given me,
Offered me your flowers of love.
This is a temple of love and laughter.
Never forget it for a single moment!


You have always to be a follower,
You have always to be a believer,
You have always to be a stupid and idiotic,
But if you want to get rid of this begging,
You will have to get rid of your ego and personality.
You will have to learn that there is nothing in respect,
There is nothing in reputation, there is nothing in respectability.
They are all bogus words, meaningless and content less.
The reality belongs to you but unless you discover it,
You will have to depend on others.
You are emperors, but you will have to discover yourself.
And this discovery is not difficult.
Your kingdom is within you!


I don’t want anybody to remember me when I am gone.
If you have really loved me, I would like you to find someone
Of the same quality, so that your love goes on growing,
Your being goes on maturing,
So that one day you are also in a state
Where you can help thirsty people to quench their thirst.


I will go on hitting you as hard as I can till my last breath,
Because I love you and I want you to know the truth.
Without knowing it life is a wastage.


Reverence has no motivation.
It is just the highest quality of love.
If somebody has a loving reverence, there is no problem.
I have not asked them to wear the mala.
I will not ask them not to wear it.
Who am I to decide for them?
This is not a religion.
This is not a Church.
This is simply a movement of love and meditation.
If reverence grows, if you feel grateful,
If you feel thankful there is no harm.
Just don’t have any motivation.
I can show you the path. I cannot take you to the truth.
You will have to go alone and just to keep company
If you want keep my picture with you I have no objection.
I don’t see any contradiction.


All these so called prophets, incarnations, saviors, messiahs –
They are representing God.
I am not representing any God.
I am speaking to you as a man to a man.
As one human being to another human being.
Worshipping me is not going to help you.
What is going to help you is meditation, is your own search for truth.
I cannot give you the guarantee that just believing me is enough,
That you need not do anything else, your paradise is guaranteed…!
I cannot promise anything.


You can doubt what I say
You will not be punished
You can believe what I say
You will not be rewarded
All that you have to do is to enquire and follow the path
And find it out yourself.
One thing is certain that
“When I am saying it to you it is not borrowed,
It is my own experience”.


I am the beginning of a totally new religious consciousness.
Please don’t connect me with the past.
It is not even worth remembering.
It will be a great blessing to humanity if we burn all past histories,
Destroy the whole past and give man a fresh beginning, unburdened.
Make him again Adam and Eve,
So that he can start from scratch –
A new man,
A new civilization,
A new culture!


I am not much of a religious person, I am not a saint.
I have nothing to do with spirituality.
All those categories are irrelevant about me.
You cannot categorize me; you cannot pigeonhole me.
But one thing can be said –
My whole effort is to help you release the energy called love – intelligence.
If love – intelligence is released,
You are healed.


First go beyond mind, then go beyond enlightenment too.
Don’t get stuck anywhere
Until you are simply an ordinary part of Existence.
With the trees, with the birds,
With the animals, with the rivers, with the mountains.
You feel a deep harmony
No superiority,
No inferiority.

(No title)
“I call a certain act sin if it can only be done non – meditatively”.


God is just nonsense.
But you wanted nonsense and without nonsense there was no way
To catch hold of you.
I said, “Okay, have nonsense to your heart’s content,
And later on we will have to pump it out again.”
And that’s what I am doing now,
Pumping it out again.


My effort is to bring man back to his natural self.
I will be condemned.
I will be criticized.
Every religion,
Every tradition,
Every morality,
Every ethical code,
Is going to condemn me.
That does not surprise me!
I expect it, because what I am saying and doing is
Changing the very course of human consciousness!


Slowly, slowly truth gets into the hearts of man.
I am widely misunderstood.
I don’t think that it is in any way disrespectful to me.
This is a compliment.
The more widely I am misunderstood, the better.
Certainly Socrates was not so widely misunderstood –
He was misunderstood only in Athens.
Gautam Buddha was not so widely misunderstood –
He was misunderstood only in Bihar.
They were not so fortunate as I am.
I am misunderstood all over the world.


I really mean business.
I want you to be the new man.
The whole of humanity needs the new man;
It is not only your need.
It is used to be the need of the individual in the past, but
Now we have come to a point where the new man is needed
For the survival of the whole of humanity,
For the survival of life itself on the earth.


People go on talking about freedom,
But they don’t want freedom exactly.
They want irresponsibility.
They ask for freedom, but deep down, unconsciously,
They ask for irresponsibility license.
Freedom is maturity
License is very childish.
Freedom is possible only when you are so integrated
That you can take the responsibility of being free.


The Master is only a small window into the universe.
Once you have come to the master the window disappears,
And you are facing the whole existence.
The frame of the window should not become important.
That’s what has happened to millions of people;
The frame of the window is being worshipped;
Nobody is looking through the window to the beyond.
The window is only an invitation to see to the beyond,
But people are worshipping the windows.
Somebody worshipping Buddha,
Somebody worshipping Jesus and
Somebody worshipping Ramakrishna.
These are all windows, but they are not for worshipping;
They are to be transcended.
They give you the vision, the philosia.
Then leave them behind and go on moving
Into existence as deeply as possible.
And that is possible only in silence.


I am going to be misunderstood by both the materialists
And the spiritualists.
And the same is going to be the case with my sannyasins.
Many of you will think ‘sex is all’.
And you can find quotes from my books easily supporting your standpoint.
Aware, anybody who chooses one part of my teaching
Is bound to misunderstand me.
You have to take me in toto, in my totality.
Of course the totality is very confusing because it contains the
Polar opposite. It is easier to choose one part –
The materialist or the spiritualist.
It is easier, you feel consistent.
To choose me in my totality, you will have to live a very inconsistent life:
One moment this, another moment that
But that is my whole message.


You need a master….
In reality there is no need because
You are the Buddha.
But who is going to remind you?
You have forgotten it for so long that you have become accustomed
To the idea that you are not the Buddha.


The Buddha is the most dangerous person in the world.
That is why the world either kills the Buddhas or worships them.
These are synonymous:
Killing is a way of getting rid of them:
Worshipping is also a way of getting rid of them.


Who is the wise man?
The one who is ready to loose all for the one.
And who is the fool?
He who has lost himself and purchased ordinary things,
Who has sold the master and filled his house with useless things!


I don’t want you to become Christians.
That is useless, that is a lie.
I would like you become Christs.
And you can become Christs, because
You have the same seed.


I want you to drop all games: worldly games, spiritual games,
Games that the whole humanity has played up to now.
These games keep you retarded.
These games hinder you from growing in to consciousness,
In to your own ultimate flowering.


The follower is stupid; he follows out of his stupidity.
Because he cannot depend on himself,
He starts depending on somebody else.
But he is a slave.
A psychological slave, and
Psychological slavery is a deeper slavery than all other slaveries.


It is such an absurd effort to force living human beings to
Worship the dead rather than finding the deeper layers of life
Within themselves.
Giving them teddy bears outside, consolations –
Ugly consolations, degrading consolations is stupid.

(No title)
“You are a Buddha;
You cannot follow a Buddha for the simple reason that
You are a Buddha.
You have just forgotten it.
And once you try to follow a Buddha,
You are going astray!”


I want to leave you alone, absolutely alone
So that you cannot take anybody’s help
So you cannot cling to any prophet
So that you cannot think that Gautam Buddha is going to save you
Left alone – utterly alone,
You are bound to find your innermost center.


The priest is not needed.
You are part of Existence.
You are already in it.
There is no question of any mediation.
Any mediator between you and Existence will be a barrier,
Not a bridge.
The bridge is already there.
You cannot exist without the bridge
Your breath, your heart beat.
Your very being is continuously nourished by
Existence in every possible way.


Remember, in any way the desire to impress the other,
The desire to change the other,
The desire to do good to the others is violence.
There should be no desire. And this is the beauty:
When you don’t desire to help the other, others are helped.
And when you don’t desire to impress them,
They learn out of their own insight.
They are never pressed. They are transformed,
But not because you want to transform them,
Your simple presence with no pressure is a great transforming force.


Remember, passivity can be either positive or negative,
Just as activity can be either positive or negative.
The positive passivity means to be alert, awake, yet waiting.
The negative passivity means to be sleep, snoring and calling it waiting.


Whenever you think to thank, thank the quality not the man.
Be grateful to his transformation but
Don’t become addicted to his formal body!


All kinds of cheats, thieves can be forgiven but the people who are playing
With your consciousness
With your being –
Cannot be forgiven.


You have to be yourself.
If you cannot accept me being as human as you are
Just because I am enlightened, then I throw that enlightenment away.
But I cannot allow you to be humiliated in a subtle way;
I cannot allow you to go on becoming bigger egos.
To hell with enlightenment!


I am not doing anything, remember, so don’t be grateful to me.
I am a non – doer.
I am just being available
That is not much of a doing.
I am available like the trees in the forest and the lakes
And the ocean and the sun and the moon,
I am available.
Now it is up to you to come close to me or
Go away from me!


All fanatics are paralyzed people,
They think they are believers,
They think they are faithful people but
Actually their psychology is paralyzed.
They don’t have any contact with the living sources
Which surround them;
They are not contemporaries.
It is very rare to find a contemporary.
Somebody has come to a full stop one thousand years before.
He is still hanging there with Hazrat Mohammed, with Jesus Christ,
With Krishna, with Buddha – and life has left all those places.
Life is here, this very moment!


People don’t want to be on their own.
They want to be led.
If you are being led, even if you have eyes you will lose them.
You will be seeing through the eyes of Jesus, Krishna, and Mohammed.
Your eyes will not be needed.


I don’t want anybody to be dependant on me.
So my whole effort is to push you – as quickly as possible –
In to watching,
In to witnessing,
In to being a free individual,
A free seeker,
A searcher with total freedom.


Remember, all your talking has not benefited anyone
But it has certainly caused some harm because,
You have thrown some rubbish in to someone else’s mind,
Which is a violence!


The religious people of the world have destroyed the real
And essential meaning of religion.
Creating rituals, prayers, statues, churches, synagogues,
They have misled the whole of humanity.
Nothing of that is needed; it is all junk.
All that is needed is a small flame of love towards all.
Without any conditions, without any expectations –
And whatever life brings to accept it with gratitude.
So simple is the real religious experience.
No holy scriptures are needed.
You don’t have to go anywhere.
Wherever you are you can create the experience of such ness and
You can blossom in to the flower of faith,
Which automatically becomes the fragrance of Buddha hood.


There is no way to deceive Existence,
There is no way to deceive the Divine,
It is not a government office where files can be tampered with
The truth of your life is your only connection with the Divine!


The world needs religion but it does not need religions.
That is also ridiculous.
You have one science and you never ask
Whether this science is Christian or Hindu or Mohammedan.
About the objective world you have one science
And about the inner world…
You have three hundred religions in the world.
This is ridiculous.
The man of awareness comes to understand that religiousness is needed,
But religions are no more needed.


One who accepts the truth of others does not search;
And the one who does not search does not need to think;
One who does not think or contemplate
All doors inside him become closed.
He does not even grope
Only walls are left around him and
He goes on sitting in his prison.


The whole question is:
Wherever you are, become more centered,
Become more alert, live more consciously.
There is nowhere else to go.
Everything that has to happen, has to happen within you,
And it is in your hands.
You are not a puppet,
And your strings are not in anybody else’s hands.
You are absolutely free individual.
If you decide to remain in illusions,
You can remain for so many, many lives.
If you decide to get out, a single moment’s decision is enough.
You can be out of all illusions this very moment.


Many false teachers go on appearing…
Perhaps it is the greatest crime in the world to teach things
Which you have not experienced.
But what are your Bishops and Cardinals and Popes,
Imams and Shankaracharyas?
Just a long line of false teachers.
They don’t know what they are saying.
They may be quoting the right scriptures,
Their words may be coming from right sources,
But it is not the sources and not the scriptures –
It is the man who speaks that is the ultimate criterion
Of whether what he says is true or not.


I would like my people to remember:
Never advice, unless it has been your own authentic experience.
Then too you can simply say, “This has been my experience.
It is not necessary that it will be right for you – you can experiment.
If you feel that it brings more harmony to your life, more joy,
You can go ahead.
If you feel it is not bringing anything…because individuals are different.
What fits me may not fit you,
What is medicine to me maybe simply poison to you.”
An absolutely alert man is always alert about what advice to give
And what not to give.
Even if he gives advice, it is always conditional –
Conditional upon experiment.
He says it only as a hypothesis:
“You try a little bit - perhaps it works.
If it works, good. If it does not work, don’t go on doing it.
It has helped me, that’s true.
But that does not mean that it will help everybody on the earth.”
People are different; each individual is unique,
And each individual needs a unique way that suits him.


If I say anything against the Vedas, Hindus are angry;
If I say anything against the Bible, Christians are angry.
But I am not against the Vedas or against the Bible;
I am against your being lost in those dead words.
Once they were alive, but now the people whose presence was needed
To give them life, to keep their flame burning,
Themselves have disappeared in to the universal consciousness.
Just their foot prints are left on the sand of time.
You can call them holy foot prints but that does not make sense.
You can worship them,
You can have photographs of them,
You can hang those photographs,
You can do all kinds of stupid things which are being done in
All Churches,
All Mosques,
All Temples,
All Synagogues.

“All ideologies are prisons.
I teach you to beware of them –
My ideology included.”

“You have to be free of all
And I am included in that all!”

--- OSHO ---

Monday 1 August 2011